ESG Certification1
Singapore's Leading ESG Certification Firm


Years Of Experience

who are GSICert

We help SMEs get started on their ESG and sustainability initiatives !

ESG Certification Services: Ensuring Sustainability Success with GSICert

Global Sustainability Impact Certification or GSICert is a transitional ESG certification program for SMEs in the blockchain and digital space to be able to showcase to their various stakeholders and customers their commitment towards ESG through an assessment based progressive improvements model. Utilising a combination of assessment criteria from the various existing ESG frameworks, GSICert provides a comprehensive and robust assessment and evaluation methodology to cater to the SMEs to be part of the ESG movement and allowing them in showcasing their ESG commitment. Companies which have been evaluated will received the “GSICert” trustmark and the “Grading” marks.

Key Benefits of GSICert's ESG Certification



Simplified approach with reduced complexities to get you started!

GSICert specializes in ESG certification services for SMEs. With a team of experienced ESG consultants to help SMEs navigate the complex landscape of sustainability.


Do The Business Practises and other policies that the business uses consider the Environment? Are they looking to protect the environment from any potential harm that could be caused by the daly operation of the company?


Do all of the policies and the practices used by the business have the unwavering support of all the employees, shareholders, and customers? This is by far the most difficult of three concepts to measure and quantify


This Final Concept is considered to be the most important since it goes at the heart of the businesses operations. Does it follows the strict ethical practises. and can it be trusted to always stick to them?


Our Best Experts Ready To Help

In an era where sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity, ESG certification services from firms like GSICert play a pivotal role in guiding organizations towards responsible and sustainable practices. By achieving ESG certification, companies can navigate the challenges of the modern business landscape while contributing positively to society and the environment. GSICert's expertise and dedication to promoting responsible business practices make them an ideal partner for organizations seeking to secure a brighter, more sustainable future.


Gane Ramachandra

leong (1)

Leong Yoong